Blogs Alternative Health
Acupuncturist In Reno Nv Secret Tips For Ladies Sex Drive
Ladies, This Is A Way To Start Your Libido With Acupuncture Points That You Can Do Yourself. Dr. Willam Clearfield at the Clearfield Clearfield Medical Clinic is a Medical Doctor and Acupuncturist in Reno. He is revealing acupuncture points that ladies can press...
Acupuncturist In Reno 5 Star Review by Joel P
Reno Acupuncturist Dr. William Clearfield Dr Bill as he is known has over 33 years as a medical doctor and over 25 years of acupuncture experience and training. The Clearfield Medical Clinic provides patients with successful treatment plans that benefit their health...
Acupuncturist In Reno Gives Secrets For Men’s Libido
How To Do Acupuncture To Yourself Guys To Help In The Bedroom Dr. William Clearfield at The Clearfield Medical Clinic is a Reno medical doctor and Acupuncturist He reveals acupuncture secrets for men to increase their libido and "Slow your roll". Do your...
Acupuncturist In Reno Gives Secrets For Men’s Libido
How To Do Acupuncture To Yourself Guys To Help In The Bedroom Dr. William Clearfield at The Clearfield Medical Clinic is a Reno medical doctor and Acupuncturist He reveals acupuncture secrets for men to increase their libido and “Slow your roll”. Do your best not to...
Nevada Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association Fall 2015 Conference Part I
By Michael Gerber, MD, HMD Hormone Myths vs. Scientific Evidence Making the Case for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement as the “Standard of Care” William Clearfield. D.O. Reno, NV We are very pleased to have Dr. Clearfield join our community of integrative physicians in...
Battlefield Acupuncture: Rapid Auriculotherapy Technique For Pain Reduction
Acupuncture Thru The Ages Yin and Yang 5 Elements Meridian Balance Biochemical Models B-Endorphins Cerebral Blood Flow Anti-inflammatory Substances Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Acupuncture A. Downregulates Proinflammatory Markers: Cytokines: IL-1b, IL-2, IL-6, IL-12,...
Eight Key Principles of Anti-Aging Medicine – 3 Pregnenolone
3. Pregnenolone Skip this article. Here’s what you need to know: Memory loss=Pregnenolone deficiency. Period. The Steroidogenic Pathways Hormones do not exist or function in isolation. The main sex hormones, DHEA, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, are...
Eight Key Principles of Anti-Aging Medicine – 2 Growth Hormone
2. Growth Hormone Growth Hormone (GH), the “Holy Grail” of anti-aging galaxy, consists of 191 amino acids (proteins) linked in a specific manner in a specific order. (1) (Picture if you will, Legos ™ snapped together to make a windmill or a car or a boat and you get a...
Natural Vs. Synthetic Progesterone
Progesterone is the first of the female sex hormones to decline as a patient enters menopause. Symptoms of progesterone deficiency include anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings, insomnia, diffuse body pain and inflammation, osteoporosis hypersensitivity,...