Blogs Alternative Health
Eight Key Principles of Anti-Aging Medicine – 1 DHEA
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a neuroactive steroid nicknamed the “mother of the body’s” steroids. DHEAis produced in the adrenal glands, brain and skin. Like other hormones, it, declines with age. By age 70 one only makes 10-20% the amount present at age 20. DHEA...
Anti-Aging Hormones to Reverse Physical Aging
The Holy Grail of Anti-Aging Medicine Second Line Hormone Treatment Hormone Combinations To Reverse Physical Aging Growth Hormone, IGF-1 -Sagging Face Insulin-Thin Skin CJC 1295 With DAC-Wrinkles Vasopressin Therapy Hormone Reverses Aging Skin Increases Water...
The Nuts and Bolts of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement
Putting It all Together Inflammation:The Silent Killer Chronic, low-grade inflammation is now recognized as the underlying pathology of many, if not most chronic disease. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and any number of neurodegenerative diseases all...
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): The Art of Sculpting the Beautiful Face
What Is A CMG Facelift ? Why Is It Different Than Other NonSurgical Interventions? The CMG Facelift Combines Hyaluronic Acid Fillers with Extracted Platelet Rich Plasma How Does the CMG Facelift® Work? The Golden Ratio A Mathematical Progression Divide a Line Into Two...
PRP + BHRT=The Perfect Anti-Aging Restoration Project
The O Shot The O-Shot™ PRP Technology via autologous injections injected into the skene’s glands of the upper vagina and clitoral head. Result: Lasting improvement in the sexual performance Rejuvenation of the vagina and clitoris Reawakening of orgasmic response. I’ll...
Oxytocin: The Hormone of Love and Trust
Oxytocin is a fascinating hormone produced deep in the brain, released during labor and breast feeding, and is associated with sexual activity and arousal, bonding, communication, and an overall sense of well-being. Oxytocin increases pleasure, attachment, love,...
A Unique Treatment for Urinary Incontinence
Clearfield Medical Clinic now offers a unique, organic solution to an embarrassing personal problem: Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a simple and effective remedy for female urinary incontinence. Every woman who struggles with this dreaded “reminder of aging” now has...
What’s New In Weight Loss
But First, A Review Those Who Ignore History are Doomed to Repeat It George Santayana, 1905 Winston Churchill, 1935, 1948 Every Thing Old Is New Again Vigo the Carpathian; Ghostbusters II 1989 Brief History of Diets 8000 B.C.: Stone Age man eats meat, meat, some...
Vitamin D
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) is a fat soluble vitamin formed in skin from exposure to sunlight. It enhances the absorption of calcium from the intestine and utilization of calcium and phosphorous ensuring adequate levels to support the constant breakdown and...