The Vampire Techniques
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Remember when we were kids, fell and scraped our knee or elbow? After the tears, Mom painted on some Mercurochrome or Absorbine Jr., ouch, covered it with a Popeye the Sailor Band aid, then told us to leave it alone.
Within days, a yellow “goo,” known as “platelet rich fibrin matrix (PRFM), formed around the scab. (1) Eventually new skin, containing collagen, fat, nerves and blood vessels, grew to replace the damaged cells.
The key to healing is the “goo.” The “goo” consists of multipotent stem cells, sentinels lying dormant, waiting to be called upon to repair damaged tissue.
These are not omnipotent stem cells, essentially seeds of “Frankenstein” that theoretically can replace entire an organism.(2) Multipotent stem cells can only replace, not generate, new tissue.
(To be crystal clear, we are not dealing with anything remotely touching on either ethical or political hot potatoes. Even Dolly, the famous “cloned” sheep came from adult, not embryonic, stem cells, contrary to popular thought.)(3)
Paraphrasing George Orwell in “Animal Farm,” some stem cells are better regenerators than others. Under that Popeye Band aid, the multipotent stem cells in the skin replaced the tissue lost on your scraped elbow. Brain matter, however, when damaged, is poorly regenerated by neural multipotent stem cells. Pancreatic stem cells are a bit more successful in regenerating the pancreas and liver stem cells can regrow cirrhotic liver tissue.
What if we intervene a bit, placing PRFM in strategic areas, and not wait for Mother Nature to take action? Through modern technology, beginning with a simple blood draw and specialized, FDA approved centrifugation, we can harvest the multipotent stem cells, from the platelet portion of our blood, enabling us to perform an amazing array of regenerative activities. (4)
After drawing approximately two tubes of blood, we separate, via a proprietary technique, the watery plasma portion which contains platelets, the nexus of our stem cells.
Once the platelets are isolated, we recreate the “goo,” the platelet rich fibrin matrix. It is PRFM that contains the growth factors, the key to stem cell magic.

There are 8 Growth Factors found in PRFM (5)
- Epidermal Growth Factor–Plays a significant role in the regulation of cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation during the remodeling phase. EGF stimulates keratinocyte and fibroblast production.
- Transforming Growth Factor-Promotes angiogenesis, the physiological process involving the growth of new blood vessels.
- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor–A signaling protein involved in both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, the growth of blood vessels from preexisting vasculature.
- Fibroblast Growth Factor–Promotes angiogenesis, granulation, and epithelialization for the intricate process of the skin repairing itself after injury.
- Platelet-Derived Growth Factor–Attracts macrophages and fibroblasts to the zone of injury. Promotes collagen growth and proteoglycan synthesis.
- Interleukins, Macrophages, Keratinocytes, Endothelial cells, Lymphocytes, Fibroblasts, Osteoblasts, Basophils, Mast Cells–Activates fibroblast differentiation. Induces collagen and proteoglycan synthesis for healthy cell production and repair of damaged tissues.
- Colony Stimulating Factor–Stimulates granulocyte and macrophage proliferation for the growth of healthy tissue and blood cells.
- Keratinocyte Growth Factor–Keratinocyte migration, differentiation, and proliferations directly enhance wound healing and the generation of new skin.
We collect the PRFM in syringes and, after adequately anesthetizing the treatment area, we add calcium to activate the PRFM. Calcium completes the process, causing the PRFM to form a “clot.” Growth factors are released, turning the watery platelet “soup” into our healing yellow “gel.” (6)
We then inject this “stew” back into the tissues where needed. The growth factors stimulate latent stem cells to create new, youthful tissue in the face, scalp, sex organs, muscles and joints.
PRP Advantages
Our PRP procedures, using your own blood to virtually guarantee acceptance by the body without reaction or rejection, is the very definition of regenerative medicine. PRP techniques are minimally invasive, non-surgical, and typically require little to no downtime.
PRP has quickly become our most popular treatment modalities. It is the perfect complement to the Clearfield Medical Clinic’s Bioidentical Hormone Restoration Program (BHRT) for Women and the Clearfield Medical Clinic’s Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Program (BHRT) for Men.
PRP has a myriad of uses including:
Wrinkled, Sagging Skin | Poor Libido |
Frown Lines, Crow’s Eyes | Urinary Incontinence |
Acne | Sexual Performance |
Scar Regeneration | Hair Restoration |
Rosacea | Tendonitis and Arthritis Relief |
The Clearfield Medical Clinic is trained and been certified by the American Cosmetic Cellular Medicine Association to perform the very specific, patented, CMG Facelift®,Vampire Breast Lift®, O-Shot®, Priapus Shot®, Hair Treatment Program, Vampire Facial®, Urinary Incontinence Program and Joint Injection Program.
The Vampire Series harnesses the “goo,” the multipotent stem cells lying dormant in our blood to stimulate new, younger looking skin.
The CMG Facelift® sculpts the face using hyaluronic acid fillers, Juvederm or Restylane for example, to reshape and restore natural beauty. Then we“polish” the sculpture with PRP “gel” to improve color, texture and vitality.
The Vampire Facial® is similar, but instead of sculpting the face with hyaluronic acid fillers, we use microdermabrasion needling techniques to enhance the “goo” penetration, activating collagen and elastin to regenerate and create new cells. Here PRP stimulates dormant cells deeper in the face.
The PRP “Alternative,” or Adjunct to Botox Program. We inject PRP with, or without Botox, below wrinkles, nasolabial folds, acne lesions and scars to regenerate tissue.
The Vampire Breast Lift® brings volume and smoothness to worn, droopy, sagging breasts. PRP improves nipple sensitivity, texture, color and breast integrity.
Implants and surgical intervention are still the gold standard for lifting and enlarging the breast. Oft times, however, they lead to a rippled appearance of the decolletage and numbness of the nipples.
Adding volume via a dermal filler (Juvederm) to “all the right places,” then “polishing” and refining its’ shape restores the perky, rosy, youthful hue and sensitivity lost as we mature.
The Game Changers
The O-Shot® for women and the Priapus Shot® for men are absolute Game Changers in terms of sensitivity, intensity and ease of orgasm.
The O-Shot®
Female sexual dysfunction is no trifling matter and is no longer “kept in the closet.” 43% of adult women experience some degree of libido or sexual performance issue.
In the ancient (mid 1990’s) days before Viagra, sex, while ever present, was rarely discussed on TV, the radio, or the office water cooler. These days, you can’t watch a sporting event, go to the movies, or even spend an evening with Aunt Agnes at the home without sex being front and center in our culture.
(Did you know that sexually transmitted disease (STD) rates among people over the age of 65 rose between 2007 and 2011? Rates of chlamydia increased 31 percent, and syphilis 52 percent. We often overlook the elderly even though 53 percent of people between 65 and 75 years old and more than 25 percent of people between 75 and 85 are still sexually active.) (7)
The O-Shot®, using a patient’s own blood, is a revolutionary new technique to rejuvenate the vagina and clitoris and reawaken the orgasmic response. (8)
After applying topical and local anesthetics to the appropriate area, PRP is injected into the “O-Spot,” the locus of sexual arousal. The process triggers the release of growth factors (noted above) activating tissue stem cells to regenerate. Vaginal walls become “younger,” thicken to a degree found yesteryear, and improve function.
Most women notice almost immediate results as the growth factors regenerate and enhance sexual response. Within days, patients report an increase, often dramatically so, of sexual energy.
The Priapus Shot®
The “P Shot” is designed to deliver lasting improvement in sexual desire, sexual performance, and restores function due to prostate enlargement, prostate cancer, the after-effects of surgery, drug side effects and conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disease or adrenal exhaustion.
Like its cousins, the Priapus Shot®, begins with an easy blood draw to extract growth factors. Applying our famous proprietary technique, we concentrate the filtrate into Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).
After applying topical and local anesthetics to sites of minimal innervation in the groin, PRP is injected into areas of the penis responsible for the sexual response.
The Hair Restoration Project
The Hair Restoration Project is a 90 minute procedure beginning with our patented PRP harvest. We apply local anesthetics to the scalp, combine the PRP with biomatrix nutrients, then inject the full scalp, or localized areas, such as the eyebrows or beard.
Recovery time is minimal and pain is usually managed with over the counter ibuprofen or homeopathic remedies such as Arnica Montana and/or Boswellia. Mild swelling of the scalp and forehead is common for up to 48 hours. We recommend light activity only until the edema subsides. Hair can be washed immediately after injection.
The PRP Joint Project
PRP injections are all the rage in top athletes looking to return to the field quickly. Tendonitis, muscle tears, ligament injuries, torn meniscus, and mild to moderate arthritic joints dysfunction are prime candidates for PRP injections..
The PRP Joint Project typically requires two injections 28 days apart. Rarely, a third injection is necessary. Local anesthetic agents are not injected as some resources claim anesthetic agents not only could have toxic effects on chondrocytes but could also influence the activation of platelet by changing the pH of the environment. (10)
Dr. William Clearfield is one of a handful of select physicians trained, certified and licensed to administer these innovative methods using your own blood platelets and growth factors to rejuvenate your face, breasts, pelvis, hair thickness, and joints.
Adding the CMG Facelift®, the Vampire Facial® Vampire Breastlift®, O-Shot® for ladies, Priapus Shot® for the guys, Hair Restoration Project, or the PRP Joint Project, to Dr. Clearfield’s proprietary Hormone Replacement Program, presented to well over 3000 physicians at the May, 2016 Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine’s 24th World Congress in Hollywood, Florida, you realize you are at the cutting edge of Age Management Medicine with a true expert.
- Hom DB, Linzie BM, Huang, “The healing effects of autologous platelet gel on acute human skin wounds. Arch Facial Surg. 2007;9(3):174-183.
- Runels, C, “CMG Facelift,” Temple Repair Skin Care, LLC, 2013;52.
- accessed June 11, 2016.
- Lubkowska, A1, Dolegowska, B, Banfi G, Growth factor content in PRP and their applicability in medicine..J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2012 Apr-Jun;26(2 Suppl 1):3S-22S
- Borrione P, Gianfrancesco AD, Pereira MT, Pigozzi F (2010). “Platelet-rich plasma in muscle healing”. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 89 (10): 854 61.doi:10.1097/PHM.0b013e3181f1c1c7
- Runels, C, “CMG Facelift,” Temple
Repair Skin Care, LLC, 2013;52. - Stacy Tessler Lindau, M.D., M.A.P.P., L. Philip Schumm, M.A., Edward O. Laumann, Ph.D, A Study of Sexuality and Health among Older Adults in the United States; N Engl J Med 2007; 357:762-774 August 23, 2007
- A Pilot Study of the Effect of Localized Injections of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for the Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction
i.) - Hair – Hair Lyrics | MetroLyrics
- Seyed Ahmad Raeissadat, Seyed Mansoor Rayegani, Hossein Hassanabadi,, Mohammad Fathi, Elham Ghorbani, Marzieh Babaee, and Kamran Azma, Knee Osteoarthritis Injection Choices: Platelet- Rich Plasma (PRP) Versus Hyaluronic Acid (A one-year randomized clinical trial); Clin Med Insights Arthritis Musculoskelet Disord. 2015; 8: 1–8. Published online 2015 Jan 7. doi: 10.4137/CMED.S17894