“Unlock the Power of Mind-Body Connection: Dr. Clearfield’s 8 Weekly Steps to Achieve Optimal Health.”

  1. Week One – Set Realistic Goals with Action Steps: Identify and set achievable goals for improving family relationships, spiritual contributions, physical and nutritional goals, educational objectives, and financial stability.
  2. Week Two – Rate Your Life Happiness Index: On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being perfect), rate your life happiness index in the following categories: Diet, Exercise, Life Plan, Love of Work, Romance, and Finishing What You Start, Children, Family, Financial Planning, Music/Dance/Art, Hobbies, Adventure/Risk, Down Time/Relaxation, Giving Back/Charity Work and
  3. Week Three The Big Question: If we meet back in 6 months or 5 years, what would have to happen in your life for you to feel great about it? Think about what accomplishments, achievements, and goals you want to be proud of when we reunite. How can you start making progress towards these goals now?
  1. Week FourSet Goals for the Next Week, Month, and Year: Creating goals in various categories can help keep you focused on different areas of your life that need Consider setting goals related to Family relationships, Spiritual Contributions, Physical and Nutritional goals, Educational Objectives, and Financial Stability. Week Four’s exercise can be an effective way to plan and focus your energy toward achieving a desired outcome in each area.
  1. Week Five-Your Bucket List: What experiences do you want to have before moving on?
  2. Week SixSix Month Vision-Six weeks ago, when you did your Life Happiness Scale assessment, you were in a different place in life. Your goals and aspirations seemed impossible to achieve. Yet here we are. Write a letter to yourself describing the changes that have occurred since we started this program and where you hope to be six months from today. Seal the letter and put it in a safe place or with a trusted friend. Open it on the 6-month anniversary of this writing.
  1. Week SevenFive Year Vision-Write a letter to How have the parts on your Life Happiness Scale Changed? What do they look like now? Address an Envelope and Place It in A Safe Place. Review it in 5 Years to Compare Your Desires with Your Reality.
  2. Week EightNext Generation Goals:
    1. Write Down 5 new goals to pursue in the next eight weeks, months, and years.
    2. Identity 2 Actions You Have Learned to Support Others
    3. Identify Three New Patterns That Will Help You Stay on Track and Continue Reaching Your Goals

“Unlock the Power of Mind-Body Connection: Dr.

Clearfield’s 8 Simple Steps to Achieve Optimal Health.”


Week 1


Family/Relationship Acton Steps
Spiritual/Contribution Action Steps

Physical/Nutrition                                                   Action Steps





Education Action Steps


Financial Action Steps



  1. Choose Diet Plan (Recommend Gluten free for all, Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, AIP)
  2. Semaglutide/B6 injectable 0.2 cc sq 5 nights/week or
    1. (Oral) AMPK Activator (2) + GLP-1 Activator Peptide 2 2x/d
  3. Eat Cold Northern fish (wild salmon, kippers, once per week).



  1. Methylated B Vitamins (B6, B12, Folic Acid)



  1. HIIT at Least 10 minutes without stopping 5 days a week
  2. 8-minute Abs, Buns, Legs, Arms, Stretch (Do 2/day-Free on YouTube)
  3. Moment of Gratitude-Name one thing you are grateful for


Life Happiness Index (LHI) (On a scale of 1-10)

Category                        Start                          Week 4                        Week 8                       Week 12
Life Plan
Love of Work
Finishing What You Start
Financial Planning
Music, Dance, Art
Down Time
Giving Back


LHI Total
Heart Rate



  1. Review Diet Choices-Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, or AIP recommended
  2. Semaglutide/B6 injectable 0.2 cc sq 5 nights/week, or
    1. AMPK (2) + GLP-1 Activator Weight Loss Peptide 2 2x/d
  3. Remove Oils except for olive oil, coconut oil, and artificial coloring


Add a protein supplement.

  1. Review gluten-free principles- no white bread, sugar, or
  2. Substitute Green Tea for at least one cup of coffee a day
  3. Eat Cold Northern fish (Wild salmon, kippers, once per week). Supplements
  1. Methylated B Vitamins (B6, B12, Folic Acid)
  2. 1 Flaxseed Oil Daily or 2 1000 mg. Fish Oil per day

Exercise- 1. HIIT at least 15 minutes without stopping 5 days a week, 2. 8-minute workouts 2/d


The Big Question


If we meet back in 6 months/or 5 years, what would have to happen in your life to make you feel great?


In 6 Months                                                                          In 5 Years



  1. Remove Oils except for olive oil and coconut
  2. Remove artificial coloring and artificial sweeteners
  3. Add a protein shake
  4. Review Diet Choices-Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, or AIP recommended
  5. Semaglutide/B6 injectable 0.2 cc sq 5 nights/week,
    1. AMPK (2) + GLP-1 Activator Weight Loss Peptide 2 2x/d
  6. Substitute Green Tea for at least one cup of coffee a day
  7. Eat Cold Northern fish (salmon, kippers, once per week)
  8. 1 Flaxseed Oil Daily or 2 1000 mg. Fish Oil per day



  1. Add Oxytocin or Tesofensine if weight loss slows
  2. Methylated B Vitamins (B6, B12, Folic Acid)
  3. 1 Flaxseed Oil Daily or 2 1000 mg. Fish Oil per day

Exercise- 1. HIIT At Least 20 minutes without stopping 5 days a week

  1. Continue two 8-minute workouts/day
  2. Buy


Goals for the Next Week, Month, Year

Family/Relationship                                                                Acton Steps
1. This year I will…
2. This month I will…
3. This week I will…




  1. This year I will…
  2. This Month I will…
  3. This Week I Will…

Action Steps



Health/Physical/Nutrition                                            Action Steps

  1. This year I will….
  1. This month I will… 3 This week I will….


Intellectual/Educational Action Steps
1. This Year I will….
2. This Month I will…
3. This Week I will….


Financial Action Steps
1.This year I will….
2.This month I will….
3.This week I will…..


  1. Review Diet Choices-Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, or AIP recommended
  2. Semaglutide/B6 injectable 0.2 cc sq 5 nights/week, or
    1. AMPK (2) + GLP-1 Activator Weight Loss Peptide 2 2x/d
  3. AMPK 1/d, Add Oxytocin or Tesofensine if weight loss slows
  4. Methylated B Vitamins (B6, B12, Folic Acid)
  5. 1 Flaxseed Oil Daily or 2 1000 Fish Oil per day Exercise
  1. HIIT at least 25 minutes without stopping 5 days a week
  2. Consider adding a stretching routine (Yoga, Tai Chi, )
  3. Continue two 8-minute workouts/day
  4. Buy flowers


  1. Consider a no-news


Bucket List

What do you want to experience before you pass to the next Life Plane?

1 21
2 22
3 23
4 24
5 25
6 26
7 27
8 28
9 29
10 30
11 31
12 32
13 33
14 34
15 35
16 36
17 37
18 38
19 39
20 40



  1. Review Diet Choices-Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, or AIP recommended
  2. Semaglutide/B6 injectable 0.2 cc sq 5 nights/week, or
  3. AMPK (2) + GLP-1 Activator Weight Loss Peptide 2 2x/d
  4. Lemon Verba/Green Coffee Extract , Add Oxytocin or Tesofensine
  5. Methylated B Vitamins (B6, B12, Folic Acid)
  6. 1 Flaxseed Oil Daily or 2 1000 Fish Oil per day Exercise
  7. HIIT at least 30 minutes without stopping 5 days a week
  8. Consider adding a stretching routine ( Yoga, Tai Chi, )
  9. Continue two 8-minute workouts/day; add a third if possible
  10. Buy flowers


  1. Enjoy an inspirational book or music
  2. Observe a moment of gratitude before meals
  3. Buy Flowers



6 Month Vision


Write a letter to yourself. How have the parts on your Life Happiness Scale

Changed? What do they look like now? Address an Envelope and Leave It With Our Office. We will send it to you in 6 months.




  1. Review Diet Choices-Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, or AIP recommended
  2. Semaglutide/B6 injectable 0.2 cc sq 5 nights/week, or
  3. AMPK (2) + GLP-1 Activator Weight Loss Peptide 2 2x/d
  4. Lemon Verba/Green Coffee Extract Add Oxytocin or Tesofensine
  5. Methylated B Vitamins (B6, B12, Folic Acid)
  6. 1 Flaxseed Oil Daily or 2 1000 Fish Oil per day Exercise
  7. HIIT at least 30 minutes without stopping 5 days a week
  8. Consider adding a stretching routine ( Yoga, Tai Chi, )
  9. Continue two 8-minute workouts/day; add a third if possible
  10. Buy flowers



  1. Enjoy an inspirational book or music
  2. Observe a moment of gratitude before meals
  3. Buy Flowers





  1. List friends who are happier, more “alive,” and more Spend time with one this week
  2. Visit a park, woods, or nature



5-Year Vision


Write a letter to yourself. How have the parts on your Life Happiness Scale

Changed? What do they look like now? Address an Envelope and Place It in A Safe Place. Review it in 5 Years to Compare Your Desires with Your



Action Steps

  1. Review Your Goals from Week 1

5 Things you can do between now and next week to move you forward 1.

  1. Identify 2 Actions That Hold You Back and Write Them Down


  1. Identify Two New Patterns That Will Help You Reach Your Goal



Keep this Action list handy and review it daily.

  1. Try a tonic herb: garlic, ginger, or green Regularly used tonic herbs increase energy, vitality, and sexual vigor, improve skin and muscle tone, and confer resistance to disease.


  1. Review Diet Choices-Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, or AIP recommended
  2. Semaglutide/B6 injectable 0.2 cc sq 5 nights/week, or
    1. AMPK (2) + GLP-1 Activator Weight Loss Peptide 2 2x/d
  3. Lemon Verba/Green Coffee Extract, Add Oxytocin or Tesofensine
  4. Methylated B Vitamins (B6, B12, Folic Acid)
  5. 1 Flaxseed Oil Daily or 2 1000 Fish Oil per day


  1. HIIT at least 30 minutes without stopping 5 days a week
  2. Consider adding a stretching routine ( Yoga, Tai Chi )
  3. Continue 2 8-minute workouts/day, add a third if possible


  1. Enjoy an inspirational book or music
  2. Observe a moment of gratitude before meals
  3. Reach out and reconnect with someone from whom you are estranged


Action Steps

  1. Write Down 5 Things New Goals to Pursue in the next 8 weeks
  1. Identity 2 Actions You Have Learned to Support Others


  1. Identify Three New Patterns That Will Help You Stay on Track and Continue Reaching Your Goals





Keep this Action list handy forever and review it often

  1. Review all the changes you have We’re here to help should you go off track.


  1. Review Diet Choices-Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, or AIP recommended
  2. Semaglutide/B6 injectable 0.2 cc sq 5 nights/week, or
    1. AMPK (2) + GLP-1 Activator Weight Loss Peptide 2 2x/d
  3. Lemon Verba/Green Coffee Extract, Add Oxytocin or Tesofensine
  4. Methylated B Vitamins (B6, B12, Folic Acid)
  5. 1 Flaxseed Oil Daily or 2 1000 Fish Oil per day


  1. HIIT at least 30 minutes without stopping 5 days a week
  2. Consider adding a stretching routine (Yoga, Tai Chi, )
  3. Continue 2 8-minute workouts/day, add a third if possible
  4. Buy flowers


  1. Reward yourself with some beautiful flowers. Buy some for others
  2. Spread the word: C’s Medical Works!


  • Lemon Verba/Green Coffee Extract + GLP-1 Activator Weight Loss 2/d
  • Resveratrol 50-100 mg/d (Capsule); Up to 250 mg 2x/d (Liquid)
  • Berberine 400-500 mg 2 orally 2x/d
    -Prefer preparation with Gynostemma (150 mg) +CoQ 10 (50 mg)

Tips for Success

General Recommendations

  1. If using a weekly SQ dose, use Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday to have days off if off weekends.
  2. Eat light on the day of Rx. and a day
  3. Keep Fresh Ginger on hand, healthy snacks, and Pepto hand to manage nausea/ hunger.
  4. Hydrate: 6-8 8 glasses/d with ½ tsp sea salt or Pink Himalayan salt in one of the glasses
  5. Find physical activities you love. Stay active and consistently
  6. Incorporate bursts of movement throughout the day
  7. Try new recipes and focus on high-quality, nutritious
  8. Find a support group (Online, in your community)

Side Effect Tips

  • Nausea (via commercial manufacturer 44% incidence)-
    1. NO JUNK FOOD! Limit Portion size (500-700 cal/meal)
    2. Follow the Prescribed Diet Program
    3. *Ginger (Fresh)* Chew when injecting and w any sign of nausea
    4. RX: (If Needed)
      1. Promethazine
      2. Ondansetron
  1. OTC:
    1. Pepto Bismol, Zinc Carnosine, Oral B6,
    2. Oral BPC 157 (or as part of injectable)
  • Diarrhea (30%)
    1. Add Soluble Fiber
      1. Beans, Oats, Peas, Whole grains, Bananas, Potatoes
    2. Hydrate
    3. Loperamide
  • Vomiting (24%)
    1. Avoid high fat foods
    2. RX: Promethazine, Ondansetron
    3. OTC: L-glutamine, DGL, zinc carnosine, Aloe vera, B6, BPC 157
  • Constipation (24%)
    1. Add High Fiber Foods-Prunes, Figs, Green leafy veggies
    2. OTC: Colace, Polyethylene glycol 3350
    3. Mag Citrate, Psyllium Husk
    4. Probiotics, Cod liver oil, Magnesium, Aloe, Apple Pectin
  • Abdominal Pain (20%)
    1. R/O Pancreatitis-seek medical evaluation (Very rare)
    2. OTC
      1. Castor oil pack, Epsom Salt bath
      2. Licorice root (activity against the bacteria that cause ulcers, pylori)
      3. Black cumin (nausea, gas, diarrhea and dysentery)
      4. Basil leaf- decreases acid in the stomach
      5. Ginger- RX: ulcers, antibacterial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory
      6. Mastic gum
  • Headache (14%)
    1. Check blood
    2. Gluten-free diet
    3. Increase
    4. Magnesium
    5. Peppermint/ Lavender Oil
    6. Arnica/Feverfew/Butterbur
    7. Vitamin B1, B6
    8. Battlefield Acupuncture
  • Fatigue (11%)
    1. Food sensitivities (can test)
    2. Leaky gut repair-Gluten free
    3. B1, B6 replacement, D-Ribose
    4. Magnesium, Potassium Replacement
    5. Stress Reduction


  • Lemon Verba/Green Coffee Extract + GLP-1 Activator Peptide 2 2x/d or
  • Berberine 400 mg 2 in am 2 pm
    1. Berberine activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) to increase energy expenditure and reduce fat storage.
    2. Berberine reduces fat accumulation in the liver, improves insulin sensitivity, and decreases cholesterol levels.
    3. Berberine reduces food intake by activating appetite-regulating hormones such as GLP-1 (same as semaglutide)
    4. Berberine reduces inflammation associated with
    5. Berberine increases metabolism, making it easier for the body to burn calories and lose weight.
  • Resveratrol 50-100 mg 1/d
    1. Resveratrol reduces body fat in animal
    2. Resveratrol prevents obesity and type 2 diabetes by regulating insulin levels.
    3. Resveratrol reduces inflammation associated with weight gain, making it easier to lose weight.
    4. Resveratrol increases metabolism and energy expenditure, helping the body burn more calories.
    5. Resveratrol reduces cravings for unhealthy foods, making sticking to a healthy diet easier.
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