O-Shot® Treatment in Reno
The O Shot is absolute game changer when it comes to improving vaginal lubrication, sensitivity, intensity and ease of orgasm, and, as a ‘side effect,’ often resolving urinary incontinence.”
What Is The O-Shot®?
Female sexual dysfunction is no small problem. Officially 50% of women experience some degree of poor libido and dysfunctional performance. We may see a skewed population, but in our practice, it is more like 80-90%.
The O-Shot™ non-surgically, via autologous injections, delivers lasting improvements in the sexual performance of women in Reno, rejuvenating the vagina and clitoris reawakening your orgasmic response.
Beginning with a quick and easy blood draw, we extract growth factors then, via a proprietary technique, concentrate the filtrate into Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). After applying topical and local anesthetics to the appropriate area, PRP is injected into the “O-Spot,” near the clitoris and upper vagina, the site most important for sexual response.
How Does The O-Shot® Work?
Platelet Rich Plasma contains multiple growth and healing factors. PRP stimulates healing and rejuvenation, resulting in tissue growth, new blood vessel formation and improved pelvic circulation.
The “O-Spot,” not a single structure, but a collection of “spots”. When injecting Platelet Rich Plasma into the “O-Spot,” you reawaken your orgasmic response. Platelet injections trigger the release of seven different growth factors activating unipotent stem cells located in vaginal and clitoral tissues, regenerating and improving your functional potential.
The effects of the O-Shot® in Reno are frequently noticed immediately as the growth factors rejuvenate and enhance your sexual response.

Benefits of the O-Shot®
Each patient’s experience varies but the most common responses to the O-Shot® are:
Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation | Increased sexual desire |
Younger, smoother vulvar skin | Reduction in painful intercourse |
A tighter vaginal opening | Increased lubrication |
Stronger, more frequent orgasms | Decreased urinary incontinence |
Schedule your O-Shot® consult in Reno today!
Dr. Clearfield is one of only a handful of select physicians trained, certified and licensed to administer this innovativemethodusingyour own blood platelets and growth factors to rejuvenate your pelvis, enhance nerve sensitivity, and deliver enduring improvement in sexual function.
Adding the O-Shot to Dr. Clearfield’s proprietary Hormone Replacement Program, recently presented to well over 3000 physicians at the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine’s 24th World Congress in Hollywood, Florida, you are in the hands of a master practitioner delivering cutting edge medical therapy.
Dr. Clearfield’s thirty plus years’ experience in aesthetics, medical acupuncture, and women’s health issues, enables him to customize a treatment plan optimally suited to your needs and desires.
Call 775-359-122 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Clearfield today!
Video Links: http://ondemand.abcnews.com/playback/abcnews/140206_gma_vega_0820_700.mp4
Website Link: http://www.oshot.info/
(Click the link http://oshot.info/members/directory/ type in Clearfield in the name box and our zip code 89523 in that appropriate box and Viola! look who pops up as a Certified Provider.(That’s me in a ballroom dance showcase. I know, I know, I’ve been certified for years.)