Healthcare Practitioners
Bioidentical Hormone Mini Course Workshop Abstract
Presented by
William Clearfield D.O.
1 Bio-identical Hormone Replacement as a Standard of Care-Dr. William Clearfield
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
- Review the AMA Position Papers on Bioidentical Hormone Replacement
- Present Peer Reviewed Scientific Evidence for BHRT as a “Standard of Care.”
- Provide A Succinct Reference Source Utilizing the Latest Peer Reviewed Scientific Literature
2 The Steroidogenic Pathway
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
- Provide on Overview of the Steroidogenic Pathway
- Review the Positive and Negative Influences on the Pathway
- Understand the impact one hormone has on all others
3 The Female Hormone Symphony
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
- Discuss the basic pharmacology and physiology of the sex steroids and the hormone endocrine system.Review
- Discuss the functions of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA in the body.
- Describe clinical applications of bio‐identical hormone replacement therapy
- Explain the relationship between insulin and sex hormones.
4 What You Need to Know About Male Hormones
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
- Discuss the concept of andropause and the physiologic role testosterone plays in men’s health.
- Discuss the functions of testosterone.
- Discuss the signs and symptoms of andropause.
- Discuss the global therapeutic benefits of correcting andropause deficiencies.
- Understand testosterone biosynthesis.
- Identify types, doses and method of replacing hormone deficiencies in men
- Have on hand a list of peer reviewed studies on testosterone replacement.
- Implement a global therapeutic management of andropause signs and symptoms.
- Understand the difference between testosterone replacement and stimulating the endogenous production of hormones.
5 The Thyroid Show
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
- Review the fundamentals of the normal thyroid anatomy and physiology
- Distinguish between “normal” and “optimal” thyroid function
- Review the relevant laboratory studies necessary to make an informed, intelligent decision about thyroid function.
- Understand the role of autoimmunity, the 6 Root Causes of Thyroid dysfunctions, and design a therapeutic approach to the autoimmune patient.
- Review the role of iodine and the role the “Wolff Checkoff” Effect Played in the Evolution of Thyroid Disease
6 Low Dose Naltrexone
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
- Understand the pharmacology of naltrexone and discuss the rationale of using low dose naltrexone (LDN).
- Discuss the conditions known to be treated successfully with LDN?
- Compare and contrast the efficacy and safety of LDN vs. “traditional” therapies.
- Know the dosing regimens of LDN.
- Understand the most common side effects of LDN.
7 Putting It All Together. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Action. The Endocrinology of Traumatic Brain Injury
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will:
- Understand the Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Know the Signs and Symptoms of TBI
- Describe the Diagnosis and “Traditional” Approaches to Treating TBI
- Know the Long-Term Consequences of Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Understand the concept of Neuroactive and Neurosteroids
- Know Which Hormones are Affected by Traumatic Brain Injuries and How to Correct Them
- Review the Case of E-4 Corporal U.S.M.C. A 100% disabled homeless veteran who in 18 months transformed himself into:
- Program Director-Development and Research for Make a Difference Real Difference Global Foundation-Nevada Veterans Outreach Services
- Patient Advocate
- Artist
- Public Speaker
- Property Owner
Bio: Dr. William Clearfield
1975 B.A., LaSalle College,
1978 D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery
1978-79 Osteopathic Internship, Metropolitan Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.
1979-80 Resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology Metropolitan Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.
1982 Family Practice Residency, United Health and Hospital Services in Kingston, Pa.
1982 Board Certified ABFM
1986 Certificate, Cardiac Rehabilitation from the University of Wisconsin/Lacrosse
1988 PSMF Program Nesbitt Hospital, Kingston, Pa.
1991 “Acupuncture for Physicians,” UCLA, Los Angeles, Calif.
1992-98 Board of Directors, American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
1994-98 Director, Integrated Pain Management Medical Clinic, John Heinz Institute of Rehabilitation, Wilkes Barre, Pa.
1982-1995 Private Practice, Wilkes Barre, Pa.
1995 Board certified by American Board of Medical Acupuncture
1994-97 Secretary, American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
1997 Symposium Chair, American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
2000 Featured Speaker, Pan Pacific Conference on Medical Acupuncture
2009-2012 Adjunct Professor, Commonwealth Medical College, Scranton, Pa.
2012 Metabolic Medical Institute: Fellow American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
1995-2012 Physician Owner, Intermountain Medical Group, Kingston, Pa.
2013 Moved to Reno, Nevada
2013 Ageless Zone Medical Spa, Medical Director
2013-Present Private Practice Sparks, Reno, NV.
2015-2018 Speaker, World Congress, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Nevada Osteopathic Medical Association, American Osteopathic Association, Age Management Medicine Group
2017 Nevada representative to American Osteopathic Association House of Delegates,
Board of Directors, American Osteopathic Society of Rheumatologic Diseases
2018 Speaker-American Osteopathic Society of Rheumatologic Diseases; Sparks, NV.
2018 A4M Spring Congress, April 14, 2018 Hollywood, Fl., Traumatic Brain Injury, Panhypopituitarism and Hormonal Evaluation as a Standard of Care with a Case History
AMMG-24th Clinical Applications for Age Management Medicine April 26, 2018, Orlando, Fl.; (1) Estrogen; Angel or Devil? (2) What You Need to Know About Testosterone in Women
NHIMA-The Endocrinology of Traumatic Brain Injury
OMED-American Osteopathic Association Scientific Convention, October 6-9 San Diego, Calif., (1) 8 Hour Mini Course on Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (2) Neurohumoral Basis of Acupuncture (3) Workshop: Battlefield Acupuncture; Lecture and Hands on Instruction.
World Congress on Alternative and Integrated Medicine, October 17, 2018, Las Vegas, NV-The Endocrinology of Traumatic Brain Injury
A4M Winter 2018 Congress, December 15, 2018-Testosterone in Women