Clearfield-toxins - Thyroid hormone levels Reno NV

Part 5: Heavy Metals, Toxins, and Thyroid Disease

In Part I, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient? we reviewed two cases illustrating common clinical presentations of thyroid disease, the anatomy, and physiology of the thyroid gland, symptoms of low thyroid output and common misunderstandings about the cause of thyroid disease.

In Part II, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” we explored the diagnostic techniques and offered treatment modalities for a variety of thyroid maladies including medication, supplements, and dietary advice.

In Part III, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” was an overview of the root causes, and suggested strategies to minimize symptoms and even reverse thyroid disease completely.

In Part IV “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient? we discussed the interaction between the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal system, and brain.

In this exciting episode of “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient? we examine the role heavy metals and toxins play in thyroid dysfunction.

As a reminder, hypothyroid symptoms include brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, a pale, puffy face, feeling cold, joint and muscle pain, constipation, dry, thinning hair, heavy menstrual flow or irregular periods, slowed heart rate, difficulty getting pregnant, and depression.

The root causes of thyroid disease are:

  1. Gastrointestinal or ‘Leaky Gut’ Syndrome
  2. Heavy Metals and Toxins
  3. Infectious Diseases
  4. Adrenal Insufficiency
  5. Iodine Deficiency
  6. Nutrient Deficiencies

The common thread connecting each root cause is “molecular mimicry.” Molecular mimics are abnormal, or “foreign” proteins that evolve when our body mistakenly incorporates similar but abnormal compounds into normal tissue.

The Autoimmune Heavy Metal Toxin Thyroid Connection

By age 10, a child born in the millennial year 2000 is exposed to approximately 80,000 chemicals that did not exist in 1970.

The “breakthrough” came about in 1974 with the development of glyphosate, a new potent herbicide that changed the face, in terms of toxicity, of agriculture. Those of us of a certain maturity remember well, via the magic of television advertising, the fate of side by side weeds growing through cracks in the driveway. An off-screen hand-delivered a single spritz of glyphosate and 24 hours later, voila, no more weed.

Accompanying these agricultural “miracles” is a tremendous spike in the incidence and prevalence of “mistaken identity,” i.e. autoimmune disease, over the past thirty years.

There is strong evidence that glyphosate affects the endocrine (hormonal) system, GI bacteria balance, DNA, and contributes to cancer mutations.

PCBs contribute to brain impairment. Triclosan, contained in soap, toothpaste, and bath towels, leads to limb deformities. Phthalates, contained in fragrances, directly attack the thyroid. Perfluorooctanoic acid is baked into non-stick cookware, and microwave popcorn bags. All of the above interfere with many metabolic processes in both plants and animals.

Mercury, perchlorate, and nitrates are chemically similar to iodine, the element necessary for T4 thyroid hormone production. When absorbed, these poisons are mistaken for iodine, leaving the body less real iodine to make thyroid hormone, leading to hypothyroidism. The cells of the thyroid gland (as well as other cells in your body) become inflamed and damaged to the extent that the immune system no longer recognizes them as “self.” Antibodies to our own thyroid molecules are created, resulting in hypothyroid autoimmune disease, described by Dr. Hakaru Hashimoto in 1912, and known as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

Mercury is found in sushi, cosmetics, vaccines, pesticides, dental fillings, and even coal-fired power plant residue. Perchlorate is present in fireworks, fertilizer and rocket fuel. Nitrates are used in fertilizer and processed or cured meats like hot dogs and bacon. Spinach and celery naturally contain nitrates.

Avoiding these toxins is all but impossible, especially for those living near coal-fired power plants. HEPA filters are readily available to clean the air and water quality improves with water filters. Consuming only organic, grass-fed meats, fish with lower mercury levels (salmon versus tuna for instance), and avoiding processed and cured meats (or using nitrate-free cured products) reduces nitrate exposure.

Skincare products, genetics, and dental amalgams can also lead to heavy toxic exposure.

Liver detoxification is the body’s way of ridding itself of these toxins. We have successfully used intravenous glutathione, the most abundant antioxidant in the body; Liposomal Glutathione in liquid form; NAcetylCysteine, its precursor in a tablet; along with milk thistle and Vitamin C in supplement form.

In Part VI, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient? we explore infectious disease states as a root cause of thyroid disease.


  1. Swanson, N, Leu, A., Abrahamson, J, et. al., Genetically Engineered Crops,

Glyphosate and the Deterioration of Health in the United States of America; Journal

of Organic Systems,

html; Vol. 9 No.2(2014)

  1. National Resources Defense Council, Position Paper, Neglect at Your Own Risk: Your

Thyroid and Environmental Toxins, 9/6/2015.

  1. The Birth of Modern Culture, Digital History, , accessed

September 7, 2015.

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