When it comes to sports, Pittsburgh is as much a part of Pennsylvania to a Philadelphian, as Las Vegas is as much a part of Nevada to a Renoite. In other words, the Pittsburgh Steelers to a Philly boy might as well be from Pluto.
55 years and counting we Eagles fans are in championship H-E- double hockey sticks. Our noses are scarred from pressing against the window, while our cross-state rival Steelers have been to the big game eight times, winning six. (And don’t ever mention the name Cowboys.)
So in 2009, when the Steelers lined up against the Arizona Cardinals in Super Bowl XLIII, it was waiting until next year time again for us long-suffering Philly faithful. Did I watch the Super Bowl? Yes. Did I care who won? No.
One storyline before the game was Hines Ward, the Steelers star wide receiver. Ward wasn’t able to play due to a sprained right medial collateral ligament. He wasn’t just any player. He was the Steelers go-to guy for 14 seasons. Ward caught exactly 1,000 passes and 85 touchdowns in his career. He also won the Dancing With the Stars competition in 2011, but I digress.
As Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. famously used to say, “Surprise, surprise.” Ward played. He wasn’t the star of that game, but he attracted his usual double coverage, allowing teammate Santonio Holmes to run free. Holmes caught nine passes and a touchdown that day and was named the game’s MVP. Just his presence, after all, he only caught two passes caused the Cardinals to game plan for the Steelers star player.
What caught my interest, however, was the fact that Ward played at all. According to sideline reporter Andrea Kremer, he underwent a new medical procedure. Ward had his blood drawn, had highly specialized cells extracted, concentrated, then injected in the affected area of his knee.
The sports world went wild. Did Ward cheat? Was he “blood doping?”
Blood doping is injecting concentrated blood back into a vein, close to a competition, to boost stamina and aerobic capacity. Blood doping increases red blood cells delivering oxygen to muscles more efficiently, reducing fatigue1.
Those who have followed our Vampire Series in Healthy Beginnings Magazine (August through December 2016) recognize Ward’s procedure not as blood doping, but a variation of our Vampire Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) techniques.
We have previously discussed PRP in the context of the Vampire Facelift ®, Vampire Facial® Vampire Breast Lift®, O-Shot®, Priapus Shot®, Hair Restoration and Urinary Incontinence Programs2.
This month, we introduce our proprietary version of Ward’s treatment – the PRP Joint Restoration Project.
Beginning with a simple blood draw, and a proprietary separation technique, using specialized, FDA approved equipment, we harvest multi-potent stem cells from the platelet portion of our blood, enabling us to perform an amazing array of regenerative activities3.
The injectable end product contains eight types of growth factors. These growth factors enable the body to generate new blood vessels, blood cells, bone, collagen, fat, nerve, and skin4.
After activating the PRP concentrate with calcium carbonate, we inject our serum into the affected joint. Initially, there may be swelling and a slight regression in function and mobility. In 3 to 4 weeks time, however, the healing begins and is noticeable. It takes a full three months for the PRP to reach maximum therapeutic capacity.
The PRP Joint Project is typically a two shot endeavor (28 days apart).
Successful treatment is defined in the medical literature as more than a 25 per- cent reduction in visual analog pain interpretation without a re-intervention after one year. Overall, PRP is indicated for any of the following joint dysfunctions:
- PRP Joint Project Indications7-9
- Spine: Sacroiliac Joint, Iliolumbar Ligaments, Facet Joints, Interspinous Ligaments
- Elbows: Ulnar Collateral Ligament, Distal Biceps Tendon Tear
- Wrist and Hand: Chronis Thumb Sprain, Joint Arthritis
- Shoulder: Rotator Cuff-Partial Tears, Biceps Tendinosis, Chronic Glenohumeral Ligament Sprain, Acromioclavicular Joint Dysfunction and Pain, Levator Scapulae Tendinosis
- Ankle and Foot: Chronic Ligament Strain, Chronic Achilles Tendinosis, Chronic Partial Tendon Tear, Plantar Fasciitis
- Lower Leg: Calf Pain
- Knee: Patellar Tendonitis, Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease, Quadriceps Strain or Tear, Degenerative Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chondromalacia Patella, Enthesopathy
- Arthritic Joints: Hip/Pelvic/SI Joint Pain, Piriformis Syndrome, Greater Trochanteric Bursitis, Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, Hamstring Strain, Ischial Tuberosity Bursitis, Hip Joint Arthritis, Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head, Symphysis Pubis Pain
Although we do not (yet) use PRP as first-line therapy, it is extremely valuable for those who want to delay or avoid surgical interventions. Like Hines Ward, we are able to get our patients back in the game quickly, safely and without the wear and tear, expense and complications of hospitalization, anesthesia, and surgery.
Dr. William Clearfield is one of a handful of select physicians trained, certified and licensed to administer these innovative methods using your own blood platelets and growth factors to rejuvenate your face, breasts, pelvis, hair thickness and joints. Dr. Clearfield’s proprietary Hormone Replacement Program was presented to more than 3,000 physicians at the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine’s 24th World Congress in Hollywood, Fla., in May 2016.
By William Clearfield, DO
For more information, call Clearfield Medical Clinic.
- Lyndall, C. Hines Ward and His Super Bowl Blood Treatment, http://waitingfornextyear.com/2009/02/hines-ward-and-his-super-bowl-blood-treatment/ ; February, 2009
- Clearfield W., The Vampire Techniques, Healthy Beginnings Magazine August, 2016 https://hbmag.wpengine.com/introducing-vampire/
- Lubkowska, A 1, Dolegowska, B , Banfi G , Growth factor content in PRP and their applicability in medicine, J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2012 Apr-Jun;26(2 Suppl 1):3S-22S
- Borrione P, Gianfrancesco AD, Pereira MT, Pigozzi F (2010). “Platelet-rich plasma in muscle healing”. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 89 (10): 854 61. doi : 1097/PHM.0b013e3181f1c1c7
- Joost C. Peerbooms , MD * , Jordi Sluimer , MD † , Daniël J. Bruijn , PhD * , Taco Gosens , PhD, Positive Effect of an Autologous Platelet Concentrate in Lateral Epicondylitis in a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Platelet-Rich Plasma Versus Corticosteroid Injection With a 1-Year Follow-up, American Journal of Sports Medicine, November 2016, 44 (11)
- Filardo G 1, Kon E , Della Villa S , Vincentelli F , Fornasari PM , Marcacci M . Use of platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of refractory jumper’s knee, Int Orthop. 2010 Aug;34(6):909-15. doi: 10.1007/s00264-009-0845-7. Epub 2009 Jul 31.
- http://www.scottsdalehealthcenter.com/what-does-prp-therapy-treat.html
- http://bottomlineinc.com/breakthrough-therapy-helps-heal-joints-and-orthopedic-injuries/
- http://www.prpinjection.com.au/prp-musculoskeletal-medicine-injuries.html